Hacker zine list
>> Sunday, September 06, 2009

Phrack – This is probably the most known hacker zine today. It’s first issue came out in 1985 and it’s still going strong. Phrack is free and is run on submissions from the “underground”.
Hack This Zine – Hack This Zine is run by the very popular HackThisSite.org .
2600 – 2600 has been running it’s zine since 1984! You can get it in an electronic format or a printed format. It’s not free, but with the cost comes great content. Along with the zine, 2600 hosts a couple radio shows and a popular hacker conference, HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth).
Hackin9 – Hackin9 magazine comes in both the electronic and printed format and like 2600 isn’t free, but has great content. Sign up for their newsletter because they occasionally give an issue away for free.
Free Software Magazine – FSM is dedicated to promoting free software as a whole. Although they recently announced their last issue, they have completed 20+ issues full of great content.
Textfiles.com – Textfiles.com has a list of many zines from the past. Although not every zine in this list is hacking related, a majority of them are.
PacketStorm – PacketStorm hosts a huge collection of hacking zines from the past.
Phreak.org – Phreak.org has a great collection of phreaking and other hacking related underground zines and publications.